
Monday 26 August 2013

How to Organise a Fundraising Event

Things to consider if you want to organise a really successful event to fundraise for charity - from Crohn's and Colitis UK.
Fun! Your event should be fun for everyone, not least you so think about you talents, interests and the time you have to spare. You may be bursting with ideas, but if not click here to take a look at our ideas for fundraising at:
  • Home
  • School, college or university
  • Work
  • Through Sport and challenges
Who can help? Family? Friends? Colleagues? Sharing ideas can make your event better. Sharing tasks can make it easier, as well as more enjoyable.

Where can you hold it? At home? At work? At the gym, pub, local community centre...?
When should you hold it? Think about convenience for you, your helpers and supporters. Avoid clashes with other events, locally and nationally.
Getting organised. Allow plenty of time for recruiting helpers and other support, finding a venue, arranging publicity, printing and selling tickets, inviting the press, organising catering and so on. Our sample timetable and budget may give you some ideas for planning. You can read it clicking here.
Check whether any licence or special permission is needed. Read Keeping it legal and keeping it safe by clicking here.
Handling money. Keep a note of money spent and hold onto receipts. Keep a note of money raised through ticket sales, donations, sponsorship etc. Ensure that helpers know what to do with money. Do you need a float? Who will organise it? How will you keep money safe? Who will bank it? For your own protection, it's prudent to have witnesses to money handling and recording. Money raised can be sent into us by cheque using the remittance form availablehere. Alternatively, call us if you prefer to make a bank transfer or pay by debit/credit card.
Make sure everyone knows what a great cause you are raising money for. We have a poster for you to display or email to show supporters the difference the money raised will make. You can download it by clicking here.
Make the money you raise s-t-r-e-t-c-h further Read our handy tips by clicking here.
Get your fundraising noticed. Read our publicity tips by clicking here.
Keep it legal and keep it safe. Read our tips by clicking here.
Say thank you. If it isn’t feasible to thank everyone face to face or by telephone or email, consider a poster or letter to your local paper.
Happy to organise your own event? Fantastic! If not perhaps you could:
  • Think about joining someone else’s event - sponsored walk, run, cycle ride, skydive (eek!), overseas challenge, car boot or eBay sale, stall at a Christmas fair….
  • Encourage someone else to donate or fundraise - Rotary and Lions Clubs, Masonic Lodges, Golf Clubs, WI Groups, Inner Wheel Associations, dance schools , sports clubs, religious, social and community groups ...We’ll be happy to support you with information.
  • Introduce us to your employer.
  • Encourage local shops and businesses to take our collection boxes.
  • Introduce us to a Trust or Foundation.

Call: 01727 734485

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