
Thursday 22 August 2013

Great Tips for Fundraising

If you're thinking of doing fund raising for us (or indeed anyone) then these tips will be really handy. Rylan Clark (yes, him off the telly - X Factor and Big Brother) has been doing just that this year on Celebrity Family Fortunes and Tipping Point. 

While your fundraising activities might not include a stint on ITV (although if it does - kudos!!), the same principles apply:

Gift Aid - Increase the value of donations (including sponsorship) by 25Gift aid logop in every £1. Find out how by clicking here.
Matched giving – Some employers will match the money you raise. Others may donate or support you in other ways especially if you can thank them publicly - a room for your event, catering supplies, printing, stationery, or raffle prizes such as a day off, a late start or an early finish. Some employers are connected to grant-making trusts or foundations.
Donations of money, services or gifts in kind – Could friends, family, local shops and businesses donate prizes or supplies, or sponsor aspects of your event? We can provide an endorsement letter to show your fundraising is genuine and also information for potential donors. Some businesses may buy advertising space in your programme.
Local sources of funds – Many areas have grant-making trusts and foundations, and some county councillors have locality budgets for charitable donations. Stress the difference your event will make - increased confidence for your volunteer helpers, for instance.
Online fundraising and social media – Reach more donors, keep them interested and make life easier by:

  • Creating an online donations page. As donors pay at the time of sponsorship, there’s no need to chase them afterwards (phew!). We can still provide a paper sponsor form for those who do not like to give online. You can set up an online donations page at
  • Using email to send a link to your online donations page to people all over the world.
  • Using our downloadable information on the difference the money you raise will make.
  • Keeping things interesting by updating your supporters on how things are going through email or a blog.
  • Using social media to spread news and updates. Connect to our fundraising facebook page and twitter feed.
Fundraise with us on Facebook - click here
Fundraise with us on Twitter - click here

Get your fundraising noticed – you can order posters by clicking here and read our publicity tips and sample press release by clicking here. Publicity raises much-needed awareness as well as funds.
Show your supporters what a great cause you are fundraising forClick here to download information you can use as a poster or email attachment.
Guess to Give - keep things lively with a sweepstake. How quickly will you run the marathon? How many stitches will you knit? Supporters pay £3. to enter with 50p from each guess going into a prize fund for the winner and £2.00-£2.50 coming to charity. Visit
Side events - you may be fundraising for a special event but perhaps you could reach your target more easily by holding a side event - cake sale, raffle, quiz, sale of DVDs...
Ask people for help – could they help with your event or hold an event of their own to boost your fundraising?
Interested in organising a fundraising event? Read our information by clicking here.

Keeping it legal and keeping it safe – Read our tips by clicking here.


  1. Donating funds to charity is an opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. Actions speak louder than words and investing in the work of charities can assure progress is made advancing non profit causes in which you believe.

    Knights of Columbus Insurance

    1. We appreciate your sentiments, but not your commercial use of our blog for young people with chronic conditions - perhaps your link came up as a mistake. We'll allow this to stand, but be aware that the self-promotion is probably in vain as we are a UK charity and our readers are primarily teenagers who probably don't need your services. Thanks anyway.
