
Tuesday 2 April 2013

Taking Care of Yourself

Crohn's and Colitis Treatment

Major life changes cause anxiety and stress, and with an unpredictable and potentially embarrassing illness like IBD, feelings of anxiety and depression are understandable. Quite apart from having to deal with the physical symptoms like pain, diarrhoea, and tiredness, you also have to deal with your emotional reactions.

So, if you do feel worried, anxious or depressed, don’t dismiss your feelings as irrational or signs of weakness. Try not to feel guilty or that you’re making a fuss about nothing if you need to have a rest or to take time off work. 

Remember that you suffer from an ongoing illness and there will be times when you are going to feel stressed and tired. When this happens it really is important and sensible that you take care of yourself and take as much rest as you need. Just because you can’t perhaps do all the things you might like to, does not mean you’re not coping. It probably means you’re coping extremely well with a difficult situation. You may find our Information sheet Staying well with IBD helpful.

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